Saturday, April 4, 2009

Model Rocket Engines: Their Functionality

For propelling forward, a fuel grain is used by almost all the model rocket engines. When the grain of the rocket engine touches the igniter, flames begins to emerge. This flame generates the energy, which helps a model rocket to fly. Gradually, the surface area begins to burn and it gradually increases towards the rocket engine casing. The rate of burning and thrust increases simultaneously, as the area of burning surface increases. The rate of thrust and burn reaches the extreme point when fuel of the rocket remains inside the diameter of rocket engine casing. Some rocket engines have spikes at the initial stage if they have end burning configuration. This configuration comes in handy when a rocket takes off from to ground and tries to speed up. Until the fuel of a model rocket engine is exhausted, burn area lowers into a lower thrust level.

The functionality of model rocket engine is a complex procedure. However, you can still enjoy rocketry without having a fair knowledge of it. You just need to have the passion and nothing else and you will experience that you are flying rocket and enjoying the blithe of freedom.